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50 Ways To Say Goodbye

by Train

From the CD " California 37" (2012)

My heart is paralyzed
My head was oversized
I'll take the high road like I should
You said it's meant to be
That it's not you, it's me
You're leaving now for my own good

That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!

Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies
And ways to say you died

My pride still feels the sting
You were my everything
Some day I'll find a love like yours
She'll think I'm Superman
Not super minivan
How could you leave on Yom Kippur?

That's cool, but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say

Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!

Help me, help me, I'm all out of lies
And ways to say you died

I wanna live a thousand lives with you
I wanna be the one you're dying to love
but you don't want to

Interessante englische Songtexte mit deutschen Übersetzungen

Vocabulary Aids

paralyzed unable to move or act
oversized too big
take the high road take the way that is morally right, the easiest or most likely way to achieve something
quicksand loose sand mixed with water forming a soft shifting mass
sting pain caused by a bee or wasp
minivan A bigger passenger car
Yom Kippur A Jewish holy day observed on the tenth day of Tishri and marked by fasting and prayer for the atonement of sins.
mudslide landslide of mud
crappy inferior in quality : lousy, worthless
purple color between violet and red, also: high rank, royal
Scion Scion is a brand of vehicles produced by Toyota Motor Corporation for the North American market, cf. scion.com
hot tub bathtub

50 Arten, Abschied zu nehmen

von Train

Deutsche Übersetzung © von Volker Pöhls

Mein Herz ist wie gelähmt
Ich hatte einen Brummschädel
Ich werde den rechten Weg nehmen, wie ich sollte
Du hast gesagt, es muss so sein
Dass es nicht an dir, sondern an mir liegt
Du verlässt mich zu meinem eigenen Besten

Das klingt cool, aber wenn meine Freunde fragen, wo du bist, dann sag ich:

Hilfe, ich bin nicht gut im Abschiednehmen

Hilfe, mir fallen keine Lügen mehr ein
und Varianten zu sagen, dass du gestorben bist.

Mein Stolz fühlt immer noch den Stich
du warst mein ein und alles
Eines Tages werde ich eine Liebe wie deine finden
Sie wird glauben, ich sei Supermann
nicht ein super Minivan
Wie konntest du mich am Versöhnungstag (Yom Kippur) verlassen?

Das klingt cool, aber wenn meine Freunde fragen, wo du bist, dann sag ich:

Hilfe ich bin nicht gut im Abschiednehmen

Ich will tausend Leben mit dir leben
Ich will derjenige sein, den du unsterblich liebst
aber du willst ja nicht

Talking Points

  1. Find out all you can about the band Train!
  2. The two have separated. Describe their different attitudes towards the separation!
  3. How do we know that the song is meant to be a comedy? What makes it funny?
  4. How many different "ways to say goodbye" does he mention? 50?
  5. Try to you find more ways to say that she has died! It's perfect if you find pairs that rhyme.
  6. Why doesn't he admit that she has left him? Why does he invent those lies instead?
  7. Have you ever been in a similar situation inventing lies? Can you think of other constellations in which you would prefer to tell lies?
  8. Watch the video of "50 Ways to Say Goodbye". Does it look and sound as if he is very depressed because she left him?
  9. The video adds one more gag to the comedy. In which respect?
  10. Creative Writing: Write lyrics using the same structure about
    1. "50 Ways to Take Revenge"
    2. "50 Ways to Kill Yourself"
    3. "50 Ways to Lie at a Speed Dating"
    4. "50 Ways to Boast at a Class Reunion"
    5. "50 Excuses Why You Could not Attend Your Own Wedding"
  11. Compare these lyrics to "50 ways to leave your lover" by Paul Simon!
  12. Do you know other works of art about separations? Which ones? Tell their stories.
  13. Look for other translations of the lyrics into German, e.g. here or here or here or here and compare them.
    What's wrong with translations like
    1. "Ich fahre über die Landstraße, so wie es sich gehört!"
    2. "Irgend so ein beschissener lila Skorpion ist über sie hergefallen."
    3. "Verliebte sich in eine Betonmischmaschine voller Treibsand" ?

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30 September 2012: Last modified 6 Oct 2012 by Volker Pöhls