Answers to Talking Points

1. Collect what the guy does to impress the girl !
Ad 1. He tries to seem pretty smart, to make believe he is a genius, someone who knows all the answers. He brags that he is a rocket scientist, that he is intelligent. He has a mirror and a comb and uses hold gel so that his hair is never out of place and he always looks pretty. He has a car to show off, he has got the moves, he tries to be cool.
2. What does she consider essential in a guy ?
Ad 2. For her, the guy of her dreams must "have the touch" and must be able to "keep her warm in the middle of the night".
3. Find examples how she makes fun of men and their special weaknesses.
Ad 3. She makes fun of the male adoration of machines such as motor bikes and cars. In her eyes, men are vain and overestimate themselves.
4. Who is Brad Pitt ?
Ad 4. A beautiful young actor
5. Do you think the girl uses her talk to get rid of the guy or is she trying to make him double his efforts ?
Ad 5. Yes, because her attacks are pretty extreme.
No, because she admits that he is "alright"
6. Isn't it cruel to ridicule the guy who does his best to court the girl ?
Ad 6. Yes, it is, because boys who are in love with somebody behave foolishly.
No, guys who are so arrogant don't deserve anything else.
7. This song is an example of the new female self-confidence. Explain! Find other songs expressing women power! Find lyrics expressing the traditional female role !
Ad 7. Female emancipation has led to a new independence of women, who are no longer just the objects of men, but can take their fate into their own hands. A second example is "STRONG ENOUGH" by CHER. A counter-example is "HOW DO I LIVE" by LEANN RIMES.